The Parallel Prophecies of Daniel

Posted on Oct 25, 2012 in Charts & Diagrams

The parallel prophecies of Daniel substantially cover the same historical periods:

EmpireDaniel 2Daniel 7Daniel 8-9Daniel 11-12
606-539 BC
Head: Gold
Daniel 2:32,37,38
Lion with Wings
Daniel 7:4,12,17
Conquered by Ram
Daniel 8:4
539-331 BC
Chest & Arms: Silver
Daniel 2:32,39
Daniel 7:5,12,17
Daniel 8:3-7,20 & 9:24-25
Kings of Persia
Daniel 10:1-2 & 11:1-2
331-168 BC
Belly & Thighs: Brass
Daniel 2:32,39
4 Winged Leopard
Daniel 7:6,12,17
Daniel 8:5-9,21,22
Greek Kings of North & South
Daniel 11:2-6,40
168 BC – 476 AD
Legs: Iron
Daniel 2:33-35,40-44
10 Horned Dragon
Daniel 7:7-8,11,17-26
Little Horn
Daniel 8:9-13,22-25
People of Prince
Daniel 9:25-27
Daniel 11:16-45
Rome: Divided
476 AD – End of Time
Feet & Toes: Iron & Clay
Daniel 2:33,35,40-45
Ten Horns (Europe)
Daniel 7:7-8,17-26
Little Horn
Daniel 8:25-26
Ships of Kittim
Daniel 11:16-45
The Papacy
538-1798 AD
 Little Horn
Daniel 7:8,17-26
Little Horn
Daniel 8:25-26 & 9:27
Forsakers of Holy Covenant
Daniel 11:30-35,45
Scatterer of Holy People
Daniel 12:7
Abomination of Desolation
Daniel 12:11-12
Kingdom of ChristStone
Daniel 2:34,35,44,45
In Heaven: Daniel 7:9-14
On Earth: Daniel 7:26-27
Messiah Prince of Covenant
Daniel 9:24-27
Judgement on the Desolator
Daniel 9:27
Daniel 12:1-3

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