
Truth found in the pages of history can restore our Inalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and Property.

Posted on Apr 24, 2015 in Publications

America has veered off the course our Founding Fathers set for us. We have abandoned the Declaration’s Creationist worldview and are therefore adrift in a New Dark Age. We are rapidly descending into political, moral and spiritual chaos. Blinded by greed, a lust for pleasure and power, we have exchanged our legacy of freedom and self reliance for a false security. We have sold our individual and national sovereignty to an international financial elite to whom we are in bondage. In Search of History is an attempt to recover from the pages of history those nuggets of truth that can help us restore our spiritual and moral values, which are the true foundations for reestablishing our Republic, our Constitution, our liberties and our health and well being.

Patrick Henry, 1775 Speech Give Me Liberty or Give me Death:

“We have no way of knowing the future but by the [lamp] of the past.

Law and Ideology

Posted on Oct 26, 2012 in Law

A nation’s laws are never written in a vacuum. Laws reflect a nation’s value system, its priorities, its worldview and the agenda of  the ruling elite. Since liberty can only be safeguarded by eternal vigilance, we owe a solemn duty to ourselves, our countrymen, future generations and the Constitution to examine the ideology of the person running for public office. This is especially true where public virtue is a commodity declining in value; for candidates often conceal their hidden agenda and deny or coverup their ideology.  Demagogues often couch their platitudes and promises in the language of morality, progress and  liberty so as to present the appearance of good. You can bet the farm that after they are elected their true ideology will shape our laws and transform our public policy in ways we never dreamed or desire. If we continue to be gullible, we will wake up one day and find that the America we once knew was gone.