Negotiating Justice for the Injured

Practicing law as a personal injury attorney in the greater Sacramento and Roseville areas of California, I work with people who have been seriously injured in auto accidents or fall injuries and I also work with wrongful death clients. I help them receive fair and just compensation for their:

  • Physical and Emotional Pain and Suffering
  • Permanent Disabilities
  • Lost Income & Expenses

I negotiate for justice on their behalf with impersonal insurance companies who look out only for themselves. Legal experts, accident re-constructionists and graphic artists, medical specialists, surgical and rehab centers, physical therapists and chiropractic are assembled to maximize the client’s recovery.

For more information or assistance consult the law firm’s website ( or call 866-923-4700 for a free consultation.

Only seriously injured cases are accepted, such as: wrongful death; brain, disc and spinal injuries, fractures, burns, scars and loss of limbs and organs.

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