Promoting the Spiritual Welfare of Others

I use the practice of law as a means of funding activities dear to my heart: promoting the spiritual welfare of fellow citizens. In lectures and books I attempt to direct attention to the most important value in life: developing a character that reflects the divine image – the task of a lifetime. I recognize that my voice merely joins an increasing vanguard of public and private individuals who urge that America’s only hope of recovery is in a spiritual revival and reformation. I have written several books that discuss the troubled state of the world in the light of Biblical prophecy:

These books are available on and PDF versions are also available on this website. A third book, Rome and Jerusalem: The Struggle for World Dominion, is a commentary on the prophecy of Christ in Luke 21: 20-24, and throws some much needed light upon the Judeo-Masonic-Liberal-Protestant elite that has ruled the world since the French Revolution of 1798.

In the course of 35 years of public lectures and talks I have developed historical charts to graphically illustrate and interpret the prophetic messages of the books of Daniel and the Revelation, as well as the prophetic messages of Christ and the Apostle Paul. These can also be explored on this website.

Foreign Mission Activity

Since 1994 CRCL, Inc. has also operated humanitarian programs to benefit third world countries. The best foreign aid is to empower the disadvantaged, accordingly CRCL seeks to build schools, churches and clinics in diverse countries. CRCL runs a medical and dental clinic in the remote villages areas of Haiti. Beginning in 2006 the corporation is building schools in Belize especially for the Maya Indians and has participated in similar outreach efforts in India and Africa.

  • High School Progress in Southern Belize
    Here is a picture of one of the buildings we are erecting for a High School in the Maya reservations in Southern Belize. The another building is to the left of it, barely seen. The Maya crew is currently in the process of plastering and I will take a crew of 25 people in November … Read More →