Terror Over Jerusalem: Volume 2

Tidings from the North & East Trouble US: The Apocalypse of the Eleventh Chapter of Daniel

Continuing where Terror Over Jerusalem: Volume 1 left off, Terror Over Jerusalem: Volume 2 uses biblical and historical evidence, to prove how a foretold union between the United States, the Papacy and Europe will start with an attempt to stop Islamic aggression and end with the Second Coming of Christ.

Beautifully written and thoroughly researched, Terror Over Jerusalem is a thinking person’s look at world events and a stunning look at how the conflict in the Middle East is a fulfillment of the Biblical prophet Daniel’s ominous end-time prediction of a resurgent Islam followed by its demise in the throes of Armageddon.

This exploration of historical and end-time events began in Terror Over Jerusalem: Volume 1 with an examination of the ancient origin and troubled course of Middle East conflict and concludes in Terror Over Jerusalem: Volume 2 which continues to trace the escalating conflict in the Middle East in what climaxes in a clash of civilizations between Judeo-Christianity and Islam – an apocalyptic conflict that engulfs all the nations.

  • Is the present conflict in the Middle East a fulfillment of this ominous prediction?
  • Will the Papacy move its center to Jerusalem to resolve the mortal struggle between three religions, all claiming descent from the Patriarch Abraham?
  • Is the present conflict leading up to the final Crusade of Christendom into the Middle East?

Attorney and author James C. Henderson challenges all to read and decide for themselves. There are no safe harbors left in this Clash of Civilizations. We are all being pulled into the vortex.

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